We have live Sunday Services in the church building.
Pre-Service Prayer at 9:00 AM
Fellowship Time 10:00 AM
Service Time 10:30 AM
On Sundays, we will also be streaming live on our Church Facebook page: Tri-County Christian Center, Assembly of God.
Click this icon
to go to our Facebook Live Video Page.
If you have any questions, please call the church at 509- 276-5484.
The Church office is open Tuesday through Thursday from 9-3 every week.
If you can't make it in to bring your tithes and offerings, please consider using our online giving option eGiving or use your phone with the QR code.
You are welcome to drop in and see what is up.
Midweek “Family Nights”
Tuesdays @ 6:30pm to 8:00 pm
Adults, Youth, Kids
For more details please contact the church at
Tuesday and Wednesday Bible Study
Adult Bible Study on both
Tuesdays (6:30 – 8:00 pm) and
Wednesdays (10:30 - Noon)
Called The Eclipse of God by Dr. Lutzer
(You can come to either daytime or evening study.)
The issues discussed from a biblical perspective are extremely important for all believers to understand. Dr. Lutzer has produced a number of solid and timely books that are needed today. I hope you will make the time an join us.
Here's a quote about the book: "Does today's radical secularism obscure the radiance of God? In a timely and practical manner, Lutzer exposes the heart of our nation's cultural crisis today: redefining God in our own image. Find boldness to be a light by exploring the intellectual roots of our moral and spiritual darkness, embracing biblical truths, and counting the cost of faith. 304 pages, softcover by Harvest."
Here's the link to Christian Book's site where you can order the book.
New Men's Fellowship
Coffee & Bible Study
Weekly at Yokes in Deer Park
7:00 am on Tuesdays!
Pastor Tim is writing an article every month in the South Stevens County Times newspaper.
It is called "Ask The Pastor"
Click [here...] to view list of articles from the South Stevens County Times.
Click the following link if you would like to submit a question to Pastor Tim via the South Stevens County Times. AskThePastor@southstevenscountytimes.com
William J. Seymour: The Color-Blind Catalyst:
How William J. Seymour Rebuffed Racism and Impacted History
Kindle Edition
by Timothy B. White
This mini-book is not about the Revival, but about the man William J. Seymour who had every opportunity to become full of hate towards Whites and America by what he witnessed, and yet he never "took the devil's bait" - because he wanted one thing so much more - to know God and be filled with His Spirit. There is so much more I would like to add to his story at a later date, but as my professor and Network leader said, this message is really needed today in all that is happening around us. I hope it is a positive contribution.
Click [here...] to follow this Amazon link to view and/or purchase this Mini-Book.
History of The Black Robe Regiment
The Black Robed Regiment was the name that the British placed on the courageous and patriotic American clergy during the Founding Era (a backhanded reference to the black robes they wore). Significantly, the British blamed the Black Regiment for American Independence, and rightfully so, for modern historians have documented that:
There is not a right asserted in the Declaration of Independence which had not been discussed by the New England clergy before 1763.
It is strange to today’s generation to think that the rights listed in the Declaration of Independence were nothing more than a listing of sermon topics that had been preached from the pulpit in the two decades leading up to the American Revolution, but such was the case.
To read this paper, Click [Here...].

Do We Want Revival?
Larry Lane
One of the most spiritually provoking videos the Sentinel Group has produced is the promotional clip for the Journey to Transformation.
It is visually arresting, but the audio clips of various speakers are what bring the viewer to hushed stillness. I do not exaggerate. I have shown this clip to hundreds of people, and the reaction is almost universal - at the conclusion, people sit in stunned silence.
To learn more about this event and access the link to the promotional clip, click [Here...]