Some Biblical Answers to Common Questions
Common Questions:
Is TCCC the Only True Church?
No, but we are a part of the "Church" Jesus is building that He said not even the gates of Hades could prevail against. And we are part of His Regional Church which meets in numerous Congregations that worship Jesus Christ & Believe the Bible is God's only authentic written record to mankind. We are very involved with other Believers & Congregations in our area.
What kind of Worship Service do we have?
As we read in the Psalms we welcome you to clap and sing and even dance, or, just quietly worship the Lord - either way - just let it be from your heart and your father will receive it with joy!
Do we believe in speaking in Tongues?
We believe and encourage all to receive "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit" after they have come to Christ (Act 2, 8, 10, 19), and that when a person receives "the Baptism" they will begin to speak in a language they do not know (Tongues). In our prayer and worship to God we follow Paul's admonition (1 Cor. 14) to do both in our native language and "in the Spirit" (Tongues). When a message from the Lord comes through Tongues then there will be an Interpretation of the Tongues following.
Assemblies of God - What do we believe?
Click here to access the AOG website.
Regarding World Vision Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages
March 25, 2014
Statement of the Assemblies of God General Superintendent George O. Wood
I heaved a sigh of relief today upon learning that the World Vision Board of Directors and President Richard Stearns announced reversal of a decision that would have opened the door for the charity to hire individuals who are married to a same-sex partner. If you have not been informed of these developments you may learn more about them from numerous news sources; including this release from Christianity Today. As much as I was dismayed by the initial announcement, I was relieved by the reversal of the decision. I appreciated the swift and articulate response from President Stearns that was humbly issued on behalf of the World Vision Board. I applaud World Vision for the reversal of their decision and a recognition that Biblical benevolence and Biblical conviction are friends, not enemies.
I appreciated the clear and concise response of Assemblies of God General Superintendent George Wood upon release of World Vision's original announcement.
Les Welk - Network Leader (Click [Here...] to read his full response).
Is Easter A Pagan Festival Covered Over With Christ And The Cross?
Click [Here...] to download a short study that answers this question.

Is God still in the business of healing and miracles?
Click [Here...] to read about what God is doing today.
What does God expect of me? Is it all about relationships?
Global Warming?
We agree with the 2006 Report from the Cornwall Alliance, an evangelical response to Global Warming
Click [Here..] to read this response.
There are many books in the world today
Only the bible can answer the great questions of life.
- Where did I come from?
- Why am I here?
- Where am I going?